The Problem: The Penndel Borough sanitary sewage collection system experienced overflows at a manhole near the Neshaminy Creek during large storm events. The entire system drained to this manhole, where the pipe size decreased from 12-inch diameter to 8-inch diameter. These overflows presented a threat to public health and safety, and the Borough faced potential fines and enforcement action by the Department of Environmental Protection.
The Solution:
Replace 1400 feet of 8-inch sewer main to the point of
connection with the Neshaminy Interceptor.
Value Engineering prepared a grant application for the Pa Small Water
and Sewer Program to replace 8-inch sewer line with 12-inch sewer line. Following grant award of $213,155, the
project was surveyed, wetlands delineated, and design initiated.
Water quality and encroachment permits were obtained,
incorporating mitigation of sensitive species impacts, The sewer line fell
outside the municipal limits, so project coordination involved two other
municipalities in addition to private property owners, BCWSA, and various
regulatory agencies.
This successful project was completed on time and on
budget to increase capacity of this segment of the sewer system and resolve the
frequent sewage overflows that threatened public health.