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Manhole Lining Program Reduces Permit Violations 

The Problem:  Inflow and infiltration (I & I) into the Township wastewater collection system caused frequent overflows at the sewage treatment plant.   The permitted daily flow limit was exceeded on 32 days in 2006.  The Township needed to control I & I or build a bigger plant.

The Solution:  A manhole survey was performed, and the resulting data tabulated to prioritize manhole repairs.  A manhole lining program was implemented that lined an average of 10 leaking structures per year. During the first five years, $228,000 invested in liner installation was more than offset by $70,000 annual savings in treatment costs.  The need for a new treatment plant was delayed for another decade. The program provided significant reductions in I & I.  By 2013, the plant exceeded permitted daily flow on only 3 days of the year. Project success was recognized by an award from the Pennsylvania Operators Association and an article in Wastewater Magazine.

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Value Engineering Inc

1578 State Rd
Coopersburg, PA  18036
